• It lets you easily change the type and creator of more that one file at once and it also supports using “wildcards” ‘?’ and ‘*’.
• It can lock or unlock your files.
• It can lock or unlock their names.
How to use FastFiler:
• Drag any number of files onto FastFiler’s icon and release the mouse button.
This will start FastFiler.
• During FastFiler’s startup you can hold one of following keys:
‘L’ - for locking those files
shift-‘L’ - for unlocking them
‘T’ - for changing their types and creators
‘N’ - for locking their names
shift-‘N’ - for unlocking their names
• If you don’t hold a key, FastFiler will show a dialog box and you’ll click one of the buttons to specify FastFiler’s job.
• When has FastFiler quite many files to handle, it will show a progress dialogbox.
• FastFiler will also work in the background.
Why to lock file’s name:
Because I think that all the jobs of FastFiler should be clear except locking or unlocking names of files I will tell you more about this.
When you lock a name, you cannot change it from the Finder, but because the file isn’t actually locked you can edit its contents.
This is useful when you have a row of freqeuntly used applications on the bottom of your screen like this:
You see that some applications have no icon. That is any transparent object pasted from a graphic processor as a custom icon. Yust choose Get Info of that application, click its icon in the window (a box appears around it) and choose Paste from Edit menu.
Then drag the file onto FastFiler’s icon and lock its name.
To tell the Finder that you’ve locked or unlocked a name you must unmount and remount the volume or restart the computer.
And now if you want to run an application from your application row just double-click its name, no box for editing the name will appear...
FastFiler is shareware:
If you enjoy this little application, just send me about $2, the address is below...